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The Chaillac Mineralogy and Mining Museum


Aims of the museum :

- Introduce visitors to the mineralogical treasures of the Chaillac mines,

- present their geological context and the history of their exploitation,

- explain the genesis of the deposits and minerals.

Chaillac is world-renowned for its four minerals: Fluorite and barite, Pyromorphite Goethite

But also: minerals from all over the world and ores similar to those from Chaillac

- fluorite-sphalerite-galena mines in the USA

- Copper-lead and fluorite mines in Morocco

It also introduces other types of deposits, such as

- epithermal deposits

- Zeolites from India

- high-temperature minerals associated with magmatism


Finally, a collection of gemstones enables us to compare the raw mineral with the cut stone

(aquamarine, garnets, etc.).


The Museum of Mineralogy et des Mines de Chaillac presents the Club de Minéralogie de Chaillac collections.

Michel Cathelineau, a CNRS researcher from Nancy University, designed the new tour

(GeoRessources, and LabEx Ressources21), in collaboration with the Club de Minéralogie and the Mairie de Chaillac, and aims to provide a better understanding of the formation of minerals and deposits.

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